Saturday 29 December 2012

New year new you

I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas holiday. I've definitely exceeded my chocolate quota, and I'm no where near finished! Consumerism at Christmas is something I've always found difficult. Don't get me wrong I love giving and receiving presents, but I think sometimes we take our eye off the ball a bit. I guess its just a cultural evolution, I'll try to not start a science-culture -religion debate, sorry. But we're supposed to be remembering Jesus' birthday!

Any hooo its nearly 2013. New year new you, and all that jazz. This is one of those phrases that fills me with dread, along with "there's no cake left" *shudder* Any way what's wrong with the current me!? Don't answer that. Every year at this time the nation decides that they need to go to the gym, eat more healthily, take up a new hobby etc etc... now hats off to any of you that keep up your resolution beyond the 1st of February. But I don't even have the dedication and patience to think of one, let alone keep it up for a year! By the world's view I should be Charlo version 20 by now. Maybe I am and I just haven't realised it yet. Hmm...

So I'll finish by saying all the best for 2013, I'm sure you're all great just the way you are, and have a gander at Romans 12.2: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Charlo x x

Sunday 2 December 2012

We all love them in our house!

There’s a whole shelf of them in our house,
All kinds of different animals, but not yet a mouse.
Quite expensive but a fantastic idea,
Loved by all ages,  it’s perfectly clear.
Sometimes in Asda they’re 2 for 1 pound,
It’s an old craze returned, an old love re-found
From figures of cars, to a figure of a lion,
to a flamingo playing hockey that looks Hawaiian
They excitement you get is second to none,
but all too soon it’s already gone.
What do kids love the most?
No I don’t mean cartoons or getting some post,
Nor do I mean playing outside or following fashion
Chocolate and toys of course is their passion.
Milk chocolate or White chocolate? Such a hard decision,
But both are provided with extreme precision.
A thin layer of each, moulded to the shape of an egg,
“Give me another” I will soon hear you beg.
For buried inside, in a neat yellow tub,
Is something more fun than a night in the pub.
The only disappointment is getting the same one twice,
So addictive -  ‘don’t get started’ is my only advice!
I’ve given out clues for you to analyse
Can you guess what they are? Of Course… They’re a KINDER SURPRISE!