Thursday 31 January 2013

Toasties and Joeys

Hey there! It's a two part blog post!

Toasty crazy

An essential part of our household is the toasty maker, though I believe it hasn’t made an appearance in the blog yet! :O Brought into the house by moi and consequently changed the way us firstbluedoorontheleft girls have our sandwiches. Normal sandwiches isn’t an option anymore, toasties are the future.  Experimental toasties include the tasty Mature Cheddar Cheese, Red Onion and Relish Toasty made by Chef Charlo. Definitely could see it being on the menu in a posh cafĂ©.

The day the Jehovah's Witnesses came...

Hey, hey look! Jesus is here!

This morning, some Jehovah Witnesses knocked on our door and Sarah answered. When I was in the living room, Sarah walked in with the booklet she was handed and her bible. She had been making notes and putting together theological counter arguments. It transpired that they wanted to come back to the house for an extended chat. Sarah wanted to invite them in for a brew and have a good honest debate on the Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs.       

Our evangelism technique... (katie's photo)

I do feel blessed to be living in this house! Go on Sarah! As it says on the back of their booklet, the truth will set you free!

Love ya and see ya soon,


Wednesday 23 January 2013

A Quick Catch Up

So as it's been a while since our last blog post (Sorry about that), here's a little catch up of what's been goin down at the first blue door on the left!!

We've had a couple more visitors so far this year!! We were blessed to have Eve's brother over for a weekend; was nice meeting him. As I write this post, we are preparing for the arrival of Katie Fresher, who is coming for tea.

We had Project Plum, dying Charlo's hair purple!! This may not seem like such a big thing, but it was for Charlo who isn't normally an impulsive person. Eve and I played the part of applying the dye to the hair and then were towel bearers while the dye was washed out. I am happy to say Project Plum was a great success!! :)

Taken by me 

Also for the first time since we have lived here there has been snow!! It wasn't that much as it didn't really  settle properly, but the most snow I've seen here!! :) But I am now looking forward to some sun and a bit of warmth!!
Courtesy of Katie

Eve and Charlo took a trip to the cinema to watch Les Miserables and were surprised when they had to stand for God Save the Queen, before the film began. They were also amazed to be able to get popcorn for £1.50 and also be served Hot Chocolate... wait for it... in mugs for 50p!!

Some of us are trying to make a healthy start to the year. Charlo has been experimenting with a calorie restricted diet... although personally don't think she needs to!! I have started going swimming, hopefully twice a week!!

We have all been working hard, especially Katie and Eve who have had exams to deal with!! Well done to both of you for completing them :) can now relax a little!!

I'm sure I've probably missed a few things, but I think it gives you the general gist of what we've been up to. Hope your January has been as full as ours!! :)

lots of love
Sarah x