Sunday 21 October 2012

Katie’s Start Of Term Report by Charlo

So we've only been living in our house a few weeks but Katie seems to have learnt lots in this time.

1.       The toaster settings are browning not minutes
2.       That Magic Stars (the children’s chocolates) have faces on them
3.       When she laughs she sounds like a Tickle Me Elmo
4.       Accrington Stanley and Accrington are not two different places
5.       Butter goes on the outside of the toastie so it doesn’t stick
6.       Prague is a city, not a country
7.       Colon is a body part, not just punctuation
8.       The sticker on share pouches of sweets is to re-seal it
9.       The ‘M’ on road signs eg. M6 is for motorway
1.   In forensic  science, (her course) if the fingerprint is on the sticky side of the tape, that’s the side you check.
1.   Despite being slightly colour-blind herself, almost believed that colour-blind people see in black and white

So as you can see Katie is learning many important life lessons, and we hope this continues during her residences in the house. She has also learnt some new jokes, (see number 3 above) these are a selection of her favourites:

Why don’t owls date in the rain? It’s too wet to woo
Why are there no tablets in the jungle? Because the parrots eat ‘em all
God said to John come forth and you will have eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster

Very enthusiastic pupil and always tries her best, phys ed needs more work  ;)
Speak soon, Charlo x


  1. Hey this is pretty good but you might want to have a look at getting rid of the strange extras x

  2. It didn't take us an hour (see other comment) but we did very much enjoy ourselves. I will now be telling the come forth joke for weeks.
    Lucy xo

  3. Haha thanks, it's a personal favourite of mine!

    x x
