Sunday 21 July 2013

First Blue Door On Tour - Part 1: Bedford

Before I begin this tale of adventure I have promised a shout out for Lucy, this is her and her hubby's blog they do wedding photos and stuff. You can go and check it out now if you promise to come back after, and read about our tour. Ok? Deal!    

Myself, Sarah and Eve went to visit each other last week, Katie couldn't join us as she managed to get herself a job! And I was really looking forward to going to that massive Decathlon in Stockport…not even joking. So 3 girls, 4 days and 350 (ish) miles. This is Part 1 the adventure.

Eve joined me at Sheffield and we ventured on the train to the South, via Kettering and it's lack of signs in the station. We safely arrived in Bedford where Sarah met us and drove us back to her village. At this point I should mention two things: 1 that Sarah lives in the middle of sodding nowhere and 2 her car is an old Corsa called Gary, which has no air con. We had our tea from a van that visits the village once a week to sell fish and chips. That's how small the village is, they don't even have a Chippy! I realised we were definitely in the South: they didn't sell gravy - having lived in the North all my life I was somewhat unnerved by this prospect. After tea we had a walk round the village (they have thatched roofs!) and watched Luther & How Harry Met Sally, I fell asleep so I still don't know how it ends. I presume they get together? 

The next day we ventured into Bedford itself, it's a pretty town with a river and "castle". Now if you've never been to Bedford I should inform you that the castle no longer exists, and hasn't done for around 800 years but it appears to be the only tourist attraction there… However the museum next to the site had some great historical dressing up props, I mean it was very informative and educational. After learning all about Bedford, the "castle" and its famous residents (of which I'd heard of two) we had ice cream on the Embankment. Interesting scenes on the Embankment included: a boat with a live owl on it (although the boat was not pea green and there was no cat), and knitted scarves round the lamp posts, obviously! Next we headed back into Bedford town centre in 30-odd degree heat before the long journey up North to Sheffield. Using my amazing engineering and diy skills, we created an in car air con system by tying battery powered hand fans from poundland, to the inside of the car. We also had some entertainment for the voyage: Sarah throwing a J20 on herself whist driving, The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy, & Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone both on cassette. Yes you read that correctly, on cassette.

I'll leave you with this from The Killers I think it perfectly sums up First Blue Door On Tour; the lyrics are from Enterlude

We hope you enjoy your stay
It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day

We hope you enjoy your stay
Outside the sun is shining
It seems like heaven ain't far away

It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day

Eve and Sarah will inform you about the rest of the adventure in Sheffield and Bradford.  

God Bless,
Charlo x


  1. Thanks for the shout out! We actually laughed out loud as we read this... not sure I have ever read such a vivid description :) We will now spend the next hour trawling through your archive, okay thank you bye.

    Lucy :) xo
